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The Internet Is Made Of Cats

The multiplication of two cats produces another cat.

Cat * Cat = Cat

Cat² = Cat

Cat = sqrt(Cat)

The only numbers for which sqrt(n) = n are 0 and 1, therefore all cats are equal to either 0 or 1.

The internet is a network based on the computers connected to it sending various patterns of the bits 0 and 1 to each other constantly; this can be referred to as being "made of bits". As proven above, the bits 0 and 1 are both equal to cats. Therefore, the internet is made of cats.


vilfred(*) (2010-06-04 07:46:00)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072807 ASPLinux/3.0.1-1.0.140asp Firefox/3.0.1

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[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: The Internet Is Made Of Cats от vilfred 2010-06-04 07:46:00

Re: The Internet Is Made Of Cats

жесть какая про мегакарьерный разрыхлитель Bagger 288

vilfred(*)(2010-06-04 07:57:41)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072807 ASPLinux/3.0.1-1.0.140asp Firefox/3.0.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: The Internet Is Made Of Cats от vilfred 2010-06-04 07:46:00

Re: The Internet Is Made Of Cats

Какое отношение приведённая математическая выкладка имеет к видео?

anonymous(*)(2010-06-04 10:55:48)

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