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Молодые и получившие образование китайцы больше не хотят работать за еду на фабриках

Сабж, у них конечно людских ресурсов много, но за еду они работать уже не хотят.

Те будет либо роботизация производства как это дедалет Фокскон или существенное (отностиельно) поднятие з/п , что сделает товары менее привлекательными.

Собственно , что прогнозируют аналитики рулина ?

Есть шанс что Россию поедут работать китайские инженеры, а не только торговцы и нищеброды ?

пруф :

While people and politicians are pitching for more educations and reviving manufacturing in this country, jobs go begging in factories while many college educated young workers, which now number 11 times more than in 1989, are unemployed or underemployed in China. A national survey of urban residents, released this winter by a Chinese university, showed that among people in their early 20s, those with a college degree were four times as likely to be unemployed as those with only an elementary school education. Yet, it is not about the pay. Many factories are desperate for workers, despite offering double-digit annual pay increases and improved benefits, while an office job would initially pay as little as a third of factory wages. The glut of college graduates is eroding wages even for those with more marketable majors, like computer science. Vocational schools and training programs are unpopular because they suffer from a low statue of for people from unsuccessful, poor, or peasant backgrounds."The more educated people are, the less they want to work in a factory," said an unemployed graduate. If we do succeed bringing back factory jobs, are their enough people want them?

Pl(*) (2013-01-27 00:43:30)

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