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[удалённая работа][Канада]Требуется программист Senior Front-End Developer (JavaScript, мобильные приложения)

Требуется программист для работы в перспективной инновационной компании в Канаде.

Требования к соискателю:

We are looking for a Senior Front-End Developer interested in creating and extending mobile web applications.

Technology-wise, you should know CSS, JavaScript, and various dialects of HTML. You should understand networking protocols and image formats relevant to web development. You should be familiar with optimizing web performance, particularly in mobile browsers.

Personality-wise, you should be inquisitive and quick to discover and understand new technologies. You should be justifiably proud of code you write and technical approaches you employ. You ought to be able to do good work with minimal supervision, and be capable of making and justifying project-wide architectural decisions.

On a social level, you should deal well with clients and be able to explain things to non-experts in a simple and understandable way.

In exchange for your qualifications, you can expect a fair wage, being able to work remotely on a flexible schedule, and a chance to create software the right way.

The position is initially contract-based. We are open to offering full-time for those who impress us.

When applying, please answer the following questions to help us better understand your level of expertise.

* Explain upsides and downsides of event delegation vs. event binding.
* Identify a shortcoming in an existing common JavaScript library (e.g. jQuery). Show a better way and explain why it is better.
* In your own words, describe what responsive layout is, and describe the challenges that arise when applying one to create a single desktop/mobile site with shared markup.
* What is the most useful CSS3 feature you have found so far?
* What is the least useful CSS3 feature, and how would you change the specification to make it better?
* Describe a good use of eval().
* What is the most difficult CSS/JS project that you worked on? Please provide a link to the whole thing, as well to specific code fragments that you are particularly proud of.

Удаленная работа в распределенной интернациональной команде. Достойная компенсация. Предпочтение отдается соискателям, готовым к работе full time, хорошее знание английского языка приветствуется.

В случае, если данное предложение Вас заинтересовало и Вы считаете себя подходящим кандидатом для данной позиции и заинтересованы в такой работе - присылайте свое резюме (Rus/Eng) с ответами на вопросы на [email protected].

p.s. анонимус, подредактировал на удаленную работу, раз в тексте есть

anonymous(*) (2012-03-25 16:56:02)
Отредактировано vilfred по причине "не указана"
Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; ru) Presto/2.10.229 Version/11.61

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