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самая логичная теория 911


Hilarious russian accent

anonymous(*) (2011-02-12 20:18:00)

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[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: самая логичная теория 911 от anonymous 2011-02-12 20:18:00

Re: самая логичная теория 911

Why I believe nuclear demolition fits all the evidence we know about.

They didn't call it "ground zero" for nothing! Before 911, ground zero only meant the area below or above a nuclear detonation, after 911, they changed some of the dictionaries to say it was also the place where terrorists attacked the trade centers. It's all mind control.

Dimitri Khalezov has been an expert in nuclear demolition for many years and has an incredible amount of proof that the buildings were taken down by underground micro nuclear demolition charges! I've posted some links to other material such as the melted cars that could have only been done by EMP type effects caused by a nuclear bomb since there was no jet fuel burning at ground level AND some of these cars were missing engine blocks! They were totally melted! How do you melt an engine block when no fire was burning at ground level - many of these cars were 7 blocks away! They were never explained in any way. Also it was never explained why Tritium levels were 55 times more than normal at ground zero. And of course we have ALL the strange cancers from first responders and many of them have died. They were forced to wear "air quality" badges which Dimitri says were really just radiation detectors in disguise so they could monitor everybody's exposure and pull people out of the hot zones for a while when their badges reported higher radiation. Easy to lie to everybody and tell them the badge is to monitor air quality. That is pure garbage if you think about it. There is not going to be that much difference in "air quality around such a relatively small area anyway.

anonymous(*)(2011-02-12 20:21:58)

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[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: самая логичная теория 911 от anonymous 2011-02-12 20:18:00

Re: самая логичная теория 911


Dimitri Khalezov talks about nuclear terrorism, 9/11 and who is responsible for terror attacks that have killed thousands of Americans

anonymous(*)(2011-02-12 20:53:09)

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