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Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it!

As James Watt (or was it Mark Twain? find out here!) once said, "A lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on."

So without further ado, here's some boots for you:

* A press release dated September 21st, describing Oracle's JVM strategy & Java roadmap, available at

Note the date on the link: September 21st, 2010. Compare it with the mid-November, 2010 date you're (probably) reading this on. Ponder about the time it would take to type in the words "premium JVM press release" if you were a curious blogger or online journalist into your favorite search engine to find this not at all guarded 'secret'. Then scroll slowly to the last items on the aptly named "News facts" list and take some time to enjoy the last bullet points:

o Oracle is currently working to merge the Oracle Java HotSpot Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Oracle JRockit JVM into a converged offering that leverages the best features of each of these market-leading implementations.

o Oracle plans to contribute the results of the combined Oracle Java HotSpot and Oracle JRockit JVMs to the OpenJDK project.

o The Oracle JDK and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) will continue to be available as free downloads, with no changes to the existing licensing models.

o Premium offerings such as JRockit Mission Control, JRockit Real Time, Java for Business and Enterprise Support will continue to be made available for an additional charge.

* For a lot more information then fits into a press release, you should really listen to the JVM Strategy presentation by Henrik Ståhl & Paul Hohensee from JavaOne. The slides are in the related resources tab.

Have fun reading and learning about Oracle's plans for Java SE & OpenJDK. And if you're a smart engineer, and, to quote William Vambenepe, you think being a "Java developer" means working *on* Java, not just *in* Java, see these posts for open positions in Oracle's JVM serviceability team, and the security, core libraries and language teams.

Update: I may as well point out the growing amount of good work from Oracle engineers going into OpenJDK, while I'm at it. Enjoy!

vilfred(*) (2010-11-13 14:47:00)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20101026 AdCentriaIM/1.7 Firefox/3.6.12

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[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it! от vilfred 2010-11-13 14:47:00

Re: Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it!

Хоть бы слово по-русски написал. Ничего ж непонятно.

anonymous(*)(2010-11-13 14:57:59)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it! от anonymous 2010-11-13 14:57:59

Re: Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it!

а мне думаешь понятно?

vilfred(*)(2010-11-13 15:36:12)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20101026 AdCentriaIM/1.7 Firefox/3.6.12
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it! от vilfred 2010-11-13 15:36:12

Re: Extra! Extra! Oracle Premium JVM! Read all about it!

> а мне думаешь понятно?
А нахуй ты это запостил тогда? :)))

Короче, этот пиздохуй начинает бложить с цитаты из хуй знает кого - то-ли Марка Твена, то-ли Джеймса Уатта: "ложь успеет обежать вокруг света пока правда будет обуваться". Кого он обвиняет во лжи осталось нераскрытым.

Дальше он обвиняет невидимого врага в нечитании пресс-релиза и цитирует пункты из этого тугамента:

1. Оракел сейчас занимается сливанием фичей HotSpot JVM и JRockit JVM в некий единый продукт, который будет немеряно крут.

2. То, что получится в результате этого слияния, Оракел планирует законтрибьютить в OpenJDK

3. Oracle JDK и Java Runtime Environment (JRE) по-прежнему можно будет скачать бесплатно, изменений в текущую модель лицензирования не предвидится

4. Дополнительные тулзы типа JRockit Mission Control, JRockit Real Time, Java for Business and Enterprise Support будут по-прежнему распространяться за бабло.

И чо?

HEBECTb_KTO(*)(2010-11-13 15:53:55)

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