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Вирус атаковавший Иранские ядерные электростанции проигрывал AC/DC 'Thunderstruck'

Iran may have been hit hard by Stuxnet, but officials have said that reports of a virus infecting its nuclear facilities and forcing computers to play the AC/DC classic 'Thunderstruck' were rubbish. Last month, F-Secure's chief research officer, Mikko Hypponen, was sent an email that appeared to be from a scientist working at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), claiming nuclear systems had been targeted by cyber attackers. Whilst the chief of the AEOI has come out to deny those claims, the sender of that email still managed to get hold of an official email address. That has left some onlookers baffled about what is going on."

anonymous(*) (2012-08-03 00:07:54)

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Re:Вирус атаковавший Иранские ядерные электростанции проигрывал AC/DC 'Thunderstruck'

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SystemV(*)(2012-08-03 00:38:18)

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